Gracie Marcellus October 2018 Ordinary People (flat space) In Robert Redford’s directorial debut, Ordinary People, we follow a family that is nearly falling apart after the death of their eldest son. Their youngest son, Conrad, who is portrayed by Timothy Hutton, attempts to “not feel” anything for anyone or anything. This film showed us a teenager that was stuck in a place where his only way out was to face his fear of the past. Conrad’s emotional journey was shown through flat space to convey that he was stuck and needed to find a way out (into deep space). One of the first steps Conrad takes on his emotional journey is calling the therapist, Dr. Berger, and making an appointment. We then see Conrad about to walk into Dr. Berger’s office. There is a close up on him, staring at the building. The building in front of him has rows and rows of flat windows with the air conditioning units hanging off of some of them. We cut back to see him sitting still on a bench, making the se...
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