Life Lessons and the Art of the Camera
by: Eve Robitshek
“It's art. You give it up, you were never an artist in the first place.” According to critically-acclaimed painter, Lionel Dobie, art and painting his way of life. With an art gallery in three weeks, Dobie must have his painting finished in time. His muse and painting assistant, Paulette, left for a vacation with another man and is just now returning. In order to have inspiration to finish his painting, he needs Paulette back. She agrees, but on the condition of abstinence. With her as his muse once again, Dobie finishes his painting. After not receiving the reassurance for her paintings from Dobie Paulette desires, she returns home. Dobie finds a new muse and the circle continues on. Like the quote expresses, painting is a crucial aspect of Dobie’s life. In order to display this, Martin Scorsese uses the camera as a device to further support this notion. Through the cinematography, Scorsese is able to display Dobie’s complex relationship with Paulette and painting, through diverse and complex camera movements and shots.

Another scene that combines the movement of the camera to the emotion of the moment is where Paulette has gone upstairs to her room after the party with Ruben and Dobie watches from below. The camera begins tracking Dobie and then moves around him to reveal his watching Paulette and Ruben is her room. Through this camera technique, the viewer can get both what Dobie is looking at and how he feels about it in the same shot. Dobie then puts on music and begins to paint shirtless. Walking into a wide shot of the painting, dissolves are put on top of each other to show that Dobie immerses himself in his painting to forget his issues with Paulette. After a while of painting, he returns to his radio and once again looks at Paulette’s window. He changes the music to an opera and sits in his chair. The camera begins to push in from a wide shot to a close-up, eventually standing up and walking toward her window. The scene jumps out from a close up on his face to an extreme wide shot of him watching and then a pan on the painting. Like the scene earlier with Paulette, he attempts to distract himself with painting but eventually is drawn to her presence, which is shown through the extreme wide shot of him watching her.

In Martin Scorsese’s short film Life Lessons, the camera gives life to the relationships, between the characters and Dobie’s relationship with his paintings Through the cinematography, relationships are further developed and moments come to life. The visual storytelling through the camera is one of the most important elements of the film and is what brings the film to a new level.
Link to the last scene described:
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